Wednesday 19 March 2014

Exam preview

So, for my exam I chose the title of Looking Through. Ignoring the visual stimulus', I chose to interpret the actual title as looking through a pair of eyes. I chose to photograph eyes of all aged people, my own eyes, and in particular, the letterbox part of someone's face. This being, the two eyes, eyebrows and the bridge of the nose.
This picture was taken in college and is of Jacob, and he was my second trial model for these shots. I edited this by increasing the saturation and warmth of the photograph.
This was my first decent picture that I took when I first started taking photographs for the exam, and this is a picture of my mother. 

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Book Review: William Klein's Life Is Good and Good For You In New York

Max Kozloff, 2010. William Klein: Life is Good & Good for You in New York (Books on Books). 1 Edition. Errata Editions.

William Klein's photo book 'Life Is Good and Good For You In New York' is regarded as one of the most inspiring and influential photo books in the past half century. It captures the visual electricity of the hustle and bustle of New York City, however representing it through the rough and tumble of everyday life and the hardship that comes with residing in New York, however presenting it in a way that no other art book has done before. Klein had initially been a painter embroiled in experimental Parisian abstraction of the 1950's. Later in the 1960s, among other careers, he became known as one of the most successful photographers of international high fashion.

In these photographs, Klein thoroughly extracts the sleaziness of City life, however clearly stating that sleaziness is not always an example of poverty. My interpretation of the message throughout all of these photographs is that although weariness and hardship are evident throughout, there is no questioning the high spirit and very attractiveness of City life itself.

This photo book and Klein's other work inspired my mini personal project by influencing the way I took my shots so that an unambiguous message, like Klein's, was presented in any viewers interpretation.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Book Review- Nan Goldin by Guido Costa

Guido Costa, 2006. Nan Goldin (Phaidon 55's). 2nd Edition. Phaidon Press. 


This book, written by Guido Costa is an outline of work produced by Nan Goldin. Not only does it present photographys throughout Goldin’s carrier, but also gives an insight into the life and meaning of Goldin’s photography itself. The book lets the reader into the life of Goldin, her work and her very personality. Also, the subject of her portrait work featuring a lot of her friends and her ‘family’.

The writer, Gido Costa, starts with an introduction into how he came to know Goldin, and how he became a part of her work and her life, as he says “and her ‘family’, … is also mine.”

Throughout the book, the reader is given examples of Goldin’s work featured throughout her life and career, as well as different emotional and personal periods through Goldin’s life in particular. You are told many intimate secrets of Goldin’s relationships, whether be friendships or sexual relationships, and also the intimate moments in Goldin’s friends and families lives. This gives the book a sense of depth, and creates a sense of sympathy towards Goldin, and an atmosphere of admiration for Goldin’s way of life and her career in photography.

For me, this book helped me mentally connect with Goldin, and became an inspiration for work that I will continue to create in the future. I understand the presentation of despair, happiness, desperation and loneliness that is evident in a lot of Goldin’s work, and see Goldin as intriguing and inspiring as a photographer.  


Thursday 7 November 2013

Shadow work in the studio

These are photos of the first time I experimented with lighting and shadows in he studio. Also, some have been edited in photoshop lessons. Enjoy!

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Second session out continued

Taken me a while to sort out the software for my camera, finally done! Here's some from the second session about three weeks ago.


First studio session

Raw shots from the first studio session, not the best but good for a first time. The experience was very useful and so studio sessions from now on will be a piece of cake. Enjoy ^^